Friday, December 18, 2009

Something like these feelings

Something like these feelings

Something dirty is honest?
what is seemed to be likely is truth or lie?
Could I be sure I am here and now?
I seem to be now though, well I totally don't know.
Should I be dirty to be honest?
Is it true I should say loudly in order to pretend to say about the truth?
Is it beneficial to grip the truth that I say loudly as quick as I can?
well, Something like these are lie?

I seem to have just seen somebody though.
Did really I?
what the hell, is it the truth or just illusion to seem to have just seen somebody?
I seem to have been doing like this in my dream.
Could you be sure a hundred percent that I didn't see anybody at all?

how much different between just a hundred and a hundred percent?
Shy voice must be weak.
Shy voice might have a good possibility of being saying lie now.
How the heck much percent possibility?

If you are insisting on "for the peace of human", Could it be "for the peace of human"?

Something like these feeling shouldn't be put out?

Really I don't know what is what.